Physical activity and exercises are considered as pillars of good wellbeing and physical and mental performance for everyone regardless of the age and sex. This article will discuss the topic of the Breast Cancer and Physical Activity and will present a Research Finding in that regard.
The impact of physical activity on the Immune System is a relatively unresearched subject by many clinicians and doctors, and so there was no clear correlation between them for a long time.
This subject was recently looked for by a group of scientists and medical oncologists from the Kiel University in Germany who researched the relationship between physical activity and the Immune System especially in patients with Breast Cancer.
The question now is why these medical oncologists and scientists chose patients with Breast Cancer for that research?
The answer is simply that for patients with cancer and especially those with Breast Cancer the Immune System should be working optimally and at the highest level of performance. This is because, the Immune System is able to fight the cancer cells using its active cellular elements such as the Lymphocytes, macrophages, and natural killer cells, and also the different interleukins and tumor suppressor genes. Additionally, after the patient completes the conventional medical treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and hormonal treatments, they depend only on their immune system to fight cancer which explains why the Immune System plays an integral role in the survival and control of Breast Cancer.
This research was published in 2017, and it showed that there was a clear correlation between the physical activity and the Immune System activity in patients with Breast Cancer and this was proved by finding an increase in the activity of the cytotoxic potential of the Monocytes, Natural Killer cells, and the Cytokines.
If you want more detailed information about this research you can click this link;year=2017;volume=13;issue=3;spage=392;epage=398;aulast=Schmidt
If you have any questions re this research or the supportive care for Cancer Patients do not hesitate to contact us