Bloating Problem and Solution
The main topic of this article is Bloating, Problem and Solution
Bloating is one of the most common health problems not only in Canada but all over the world. There are many reasons for bloating such as irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory bowel disease and poor digestion. Broadly speaking, functional colonic disorders represent the most common cause of bloating.
By functional disorders we mean that the colon and the intestine are not able to perform their digestive function as they should do. Then, what would happen? When digestion is suboptimal, the gut will not be able to digest the food into a simple and digestive form of food resulting in a big food particles that invites bacteria to grow on then it emits lots of gases inside the gut and this triggers the bloating.
To know more about the digestion and causes of bloating read this article
Role of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Doctors can help improving the symptoms caused by bloating. The root cause of the problem here is lack of digestion, so, targeting the digestive system can be of paramount significance to help preventing or treating bloating. They use many tools to solve the bloating issue such as Acupuncture, Herbals, Supplements and Diet. There is a fair degree of success of treating the bloating from the Naturopathic Medicine Perspectives. Naturopathic care should not stay for life and the patients should be informed about the changes that they have to made with their diet, supplements, and lifestyle until all the bloating symptoms are completely gone.
Some examples of Naturopathic Medical Interventions are Acupuncture to the points of Meridians connected to the digestive system, sometimes with stimulation, also using natural health products such as digestive enzymes and bitters.
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