Sever Joint Pain and Arthritis Are very common concerns nowadays. Joint Pains do not only affect middle aged or elderly persons but they also affect young persons and youths. Arthritis can be so debilitating that the person may not be able to work, sleep well, or even in the severest forms, he/she may not be able to perform his/her usual daily activities such as showering , gardening or even dressing.
There are many locations of arthritis such as shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist, hip, and knee arthritis. In all these locations, arthritis usually presents with dull aching pain and sometimes it is prescribed as heaviness or stiffness. The joint becomes swollen, red and tender to touch. In many instances, the joint movement becomes very limited and it looks stiff ( in clinical terms this is called limited range of movement ). Arthritis exists in many forms such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis.
How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?
Naturopathic Medicine helps treating Sever Joint pains and arthritis by many means such as using Acupuncture, with or without electric stimulation, Cupping, Pulsed electromagnetic Filed (PEMF) and a combination of these modalities. The advantages of using these modalities are accelerating and then maintaining the joint healing and integrity and regaining the normal function .
After several sessions of Cupping , PEMF, and Acupuncture with or without electric stimulation, the Naturopathic Doctor will assess the whole situation, and let you know if your joints healed and recovered or no.
There are many supplements of use for Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout, and of great help such as Glucosamine, Shark cartilage, Omega 3 Fish Oil and Curcumin. The best one to advise which supplement to be used, and what dose needed for every patient is the treating naturopathic doctor,.
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