Palliative Care Medical Service in the Hamilton and Niagara Region
In the Hamilton, Grimsby, and Stoney Creek regions advanced Cancer patients who need support can find it in a palliative care department of the Oncology such as the Juravinski Cancer Centre, and the Niagara Health System NHS in Niagara Region.
How Does Palliative Medical Care Support Advanced Cancer Patients?
Palliative Care Medical Doctors and Oncologists can help advanced cancer patients by relieving their symptoms and using medications such as painkillers
Role of Naturopathic Medical Doctors
Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) in Ontario and Hamilton, Stoney Creek, and Niagara Region can help Advanced Cancer Patients relieve their suffering and distress. Naturopathic Doctors Do not Use Medications or Synthetic materials to support Palliative Care Patients rather than use Natural Interventions such as Proper Nutrition by giving enough Proteins and Amino Acids that constitute the basic building blocks of the Immune system, giving high doses of Intravenous Nutrition and High Doses of Intravenous Vitamin C and Mistletoe and can be given by subcutaneous injection in advanced cancer patients for palliative care. These Intravenous Infusions can support the overall performance of advanced Cancer Patients, Improve their Immune System, and mitigate the symptoms of advanced cancer. Other means of Naturopathic support include Acupuncture, Herbal support, Body and Mind interventions, and Spirituality.
Need help? Have questions?
Do not hesitate to contact the clinic in Grimsby, it serves cancer patients in
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