Where can you find medical help if you have cancer and live in Hamilton and Niagara Region?
A new medical facility has been established recently to help patients with cancer in the Niagara region is named: Niagara Health Foundation https://www.niagarahealth.on.ca/site/cancer-care-oncology
it serves people in the Niagara region including Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Grimsby, and Niagara Falls. In addition to the cancer care/ oncology department, it contains an emergency service, Cardiac Care, and Eye surgery. It supports cancer patients with radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Another Facility
Juravinski Cancer Centre is another healthcare facility that helps Hamilton and Stoney Creek regions as well as Grimsby. http://www.jcc.hhsc.ca/ The regional Cancer Program helps patients with Breast, Cervical and Colorectal Cancers
Advice to Cancer Patients
Consult your healthcare practitioner when seeking Cancer Care as Cancer treatment is a highly demanding service that needs people with high aptitudes and skills to be able to serve you during your treatment.
Role of Naturopathic Medicine
In addition to the standard cancer care, Naturopathic Medicine supports your immune system and reduces the expected side effects and toxicities
Who can offer a Naturopathic Medical Service?
Only those who are qualified and licensed naturopaths in Ontario especially if they have been exposed to cancer care during their practice and been involved in cancer patient support.
Needs help? Have Questions?
Don’t hesitate to contact this link for more questions/book an appointment